Over the past year or so a bunch of us Rosslanders, being the Canadians we are, have spontaneously began playing casual games of shinny (road hockey for you yanks) on mainstreet of Rossland around midnight (they can actually happen at any time, but if it's dark out midnight shinny sounds way cooler than "11 o'clock shinny", or "2:45 shinny"). These games usually start off fairly small and tend to grow exponentially as friends are called and passersby grab a stick to join in for a bit. With the help of social media (facebook), the most recent game of "midnight" shinny was attended by upwards of 70 people (complete guess) and was shut down by the lovely RCMP by 11:30 wheeew. Breathalizers were blown, tickets were written, and money is now owed but luckily we found an alternate place (a lit tunnel) to continue the game. I snapped a couple pictures, nothing special but here are a few of 'em.
Marsh loves hanging out.
Casual crew.
Marsh and his new BFF, The Zah!
Zahh loves my moustache.
Serious fans.
Pretty big game goin down.
I guess the game didn't last too long...
Yeah, that's a fish.
Game picked up around 2.
Casual arm wrestles on the tunnel are mandatory.
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